How To Make THC Distillate? 

How To Make THC Distillate

THC distillate is a highly potent and pure form of cannabis concentrate that has gained popularity among cannabis enthusiasts in recent years. It is made by refining and purifying cannabis extracts to remove all impurities and unwanted compounds, leaving behind a concentrated and potent product that is almost entirely THC. Making THC distillate may seem intimidating at first, but it is a fairly straightforward process that can be done with some basic equipment and a bit of know-how. 

In this guide, we will walk you through the step-by-step process of making your own THC distillate at home, so you can enjoy the benefits of this potent concentrate in the comfort of your own space. Whether you’re a seasoned cannabis user or a curious beginner, this guide will provide you with all the information you need to get started.


What is THC Distillate?

THC distillate is a highly concentrated form of cannabis extract that is almost entirely THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), the psychoactive compound responsible for the “high” associated with cannabis use. It is made by refining and purifying cannabis extracts through a process called distillation, which separates and removes all impurities and unwanted compounds from the extract, leaving behind a clear, potent liquid that can contain upwards of 90% THC.

The process of making THC distillate typically involves extracting cannabinoids and other compounds from the cannabis plant using solvents like butane or CO2, then using heat and vacuum pressure to further purify and refine the extract. This results in a highly potent and pure form of cannabis concentrate that can be used in a variety of ways, including vaporization, dabbing, and even oral ingestion. THC distillate is often preferred by cannabis enthusiasts for its potency, purity, and versatility.

How is Cannabis Distillate Different Than Other Cannabis Concentrates?

How is Cannabis Distillate Different Than Other Cannabis Concentrates?

Cannabis distillate is different than other cannabis concentrates in several ways. 

Here are a few key differences:

  1. Purity: Cannabis distillate is one of the purest forms of cannabis concentrate available, often containing upwards of 90% THC. This is because the distillation process removes nearly all other compounds and impurities from the extract, leaving behind a highly concentrated form of THC.
  2. Consistency: Cannabis distillate has a unique consistency that sets it apart from other concentrates. It is usually a clear or slightly amber-coloured liquid rather than a solid or wax-like substance.
  3. Versatility: Because of its consistency and high potency, cannabis distillate can be used in a variety of ways. It can be vaporized, dabbed, mixed into weed edibles or drinks, or even applied topically.
  4. Flavour and aroma: Unlike other concentrates that often retain some of the plant’s flavour and aroma, cannabis distillate is almost entirely flavourless and odourless. This can make it a good choice for those who want the benefits of cannabis without the strong taste or smell.

Overall, cannabis distillate is a highly potent and versatile form of cannabis concentrate that offers unique benefits and advantages over other types of concentrates.


How to Make THC Weed Distillate?

Making premium-grade THC distillate involves several steps and requires some specialized equipment. 

Here is a basic overview of the process:

  1. Extraction: Begin by extracting THC and other cannabinoids from the cannabis plant using a solvent like butane or CO2. This will create a crude cannabis oil that contains a range of compounds.
  2. Winterization: Next, use a process called winterization to remove impurities from the crude oil. This involves mixing the oil with ethanol and freezing it to precipitate out waxes and other unwanted compounds.
  3. Decarboxylation: Decarboxylation is the process of heating the cannabis extract to activate the THC and other cannabinoids. This can be done in an oven or with a specialized decarboxylation device.
  4. Distillation: The final step is distillation, which involves heating the decarboxylated extract to a precise temperature and then using a distillation apparatus to separate the THC from other compounds. This will create a clear, potent liquid that is almost entirely THC.

It’s important to note that making THC weed distillate can be dangerous if proper safety precautions are not taken. The solvents used in the extraction process are highly flammable and can pose a serious risk of fire or explosion. It’s essential to work in a well-ventilated area and use proper safety equipment like gloves, goggles, and a respirator. Additionally, making THC distillate may be illegal in some areas, so it’s important to research local laws and regulations before attempting this process.

How to Make THC Weed Distillate?

How to Store Cannabis Distillate?

Proper storage of cannabis distillate is important to maintain its potency and quality over time. 

Here are some tips on how to store cannabis distillate:

  1. Keep it in a cool, dark place: THC distillate is sensitive to light, heat, and air, so it’s best to store it in a cool, dark place like a cabinet or drawer.
  2. Use an airtight container: Oxygen can also degrade the quality of THC distillate, so it’s important to keep it in an airtight container like a glass jar or silicone container.
  3. Avoid temperature changes: Fluctuations in temperature can cause the distillate to expand and contract, which can damage the container and potentially cause leaks. Avoid exposing it to rapid temperature changes or extreme temperatures.
  4. Don’t store it in the refrigerator: While it may seem like storing cannabis distillate in the fridge is a good idea, it can actually cause condensation to form inside the container, which can degrade the quality of the distillate.

By following these tips, you can help ensure that your cannabis distillate stays fresh and potent for as long as possible.


Where to Buy THC Distillate Online in Canada?

In Canada, there are several licensed cannabis retailers that offer THC distillate for sale online. Some of these retailers include the Ontario Cannabis Store, Daily Marijuana, and more. You can also find online dispensaries that specialize in cannabis concentrates, including THC distillate. You can even get same-day delivery from websites like Daily Edibles.

When purchasing THC distillate online in Canada, it’s important to make sure that the retailer is licensed and operating legally. You should also verify that the product has been tested by a reputable laboratory for potency and purity and that it meets all legal requirements for THC content and labeling. Always buy from a trusted source and check reviews and ratings before making a purchase.



Hartney, Elizabeth. (2020, July 22). What is THC? Very Well Mind. Available at:

Daily Marijuana. (2023, June 3). Buy THC Distillate Online in Canada. Available at:

Health Europa. (2019, July 22). 20 Health benefits of cannabis that everyone should know. Available At:

Bulk Weed Canada. (2023, June 3). Buy Bulk Weed Distillate Online in Canada. Available at:

Government of Canada. (2022). Authorized cannabis retailers in the provinces and territories. Available at:

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