Category Archives: Cannabis News

What to Do if Your Disposable Vape Pen Is Not Working?

What to Do if Your Disposable Vape Pen Is Not Working?

First Off, What is a Disposable Weed Vape? A disposable weed vape, also known as a disposable vape pen or disposable cannabis vape pen, is a compact, all-in-one device that allows users to vaporize cannabis concentrates, such as THC or CBD oil. These pens are pre-filled with the concentrate and are typically designed for single-use […]

Learn How To Smoke Budder Wax?

Learn How To Smoke Budder Wax?

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on how to smoke budder wax, one of the most popular and potent cannabis concentrates available. Budder wax, also known simply as budder, is a creamy and butter-like concentrate that offers an intense THC experience. Whether you’re a seasoned cannabis enthusiast or new to concentrates, this guide will provide you […]

What Happens If You Eat Cannabis Flowers?

What Happens If You Eat Cannabis Flowers?

Cannabis, also known as marijuana, has been used for its medicinal and recreational properties for centuries. While smoking or vaping cannabis is the most common method of consumption, another question frequently arises: What happens if you eat cannabis flowers? Eating cannabis can produce distinct effects compared to inhaling it, leading to a unique experience for […]

Does CBD Oil Help With Sleep? Taking CBD Oil For Sleep

Does CBD Oil Help With Sleep_ Taking CBD Oil For Sleep

In recent years, CBD oil has emerged as a popular natural remedy for various health issues, including sleep disturbances. As more people seek alternative solutions to improve their sleep quality, the potential benefits of CBD for sleep have become a subject of interest and discussion. In this article, we’ll explore the relationship between CBD oil […]

What is Black Hash?

What is Black Hash

First Off, What is Black Hash? Black hash, also known as “black hashish,” is a type of cannabis concentrate that is commonly produced in regions like Afghanistan, Morocco, and Lebanon. It is called “black” hash due to its dark colour and distinct texture. Black hash is made by collecting the resin glands, or trichomes, from […]

How To Make A Filter For A Joint

How To Make A Filter For A Joint

Are you looking to elevate your smoking experience while enjoying a joint? One simple yet effective way to enhance your joint-smoking session is by using a filter. A filter not only helps prevent unwanted plant matter from reaching your mouth but also adds stability and structure to your joint.  Whether you’re a seasoned smoker or […]

Can You Be Allergic to Weed?

Can You Be Allergic to Weed?

Marijuana, also known as weed or cannabis, has gained significant attention in recent years due to its potential therapeutic benefits. However, just like any other substance, some individuals may experience allergic reactions to weed. If you’ve ever wondered, “Can you be allergic to weed?” this article aims to shed light on the topic.  We will […]

What is Terp Sauce?

What is Terp Sauce?

First Off, What is Terp Sauce? Terp sauce, also known as cannabis sauce or terpene sauce, is a highly potent cannabis concentrate renowned for its rich flavour profile and high terpene content. It is made through a specialized extraction process that preserves the plant’s aromatic compounds, including terpenes, which are responsible for the distinct flavours […]

How To Clone Weed Plants

How To Clone Weed Plants

Cloning weed plants is a popular technique among cannabis enthusiasts and cultivators who aim to replicate the characteristics of a specific strain or preserve the genetic traits of a prized plant. By mastering the art of cloning, you can create a consistent supply of your favourite cannabis varieties, bypassing the need for germinating seeds and […]

How To Make THC Distillate? 

How To Make THC Distillate

THC distillate is a highly potent and pure form of cannabis concentrate that has gained popularity among cannabis enthusiasts in recent years. It is made by refining and purifying cannabis extracts to remove all impurities and unwanted compounds, leaving behind a concentrated and potent product that is almost entirely THC. Making THC distillate may seem […]